matplotlib grid

Add Grid Lines to a Plot With Pyplot, you can use the grid() function to add grid lines to the plot...

php ref zip

PHP Zip Introduction The Zip files functions allows you to read ZIP files. Requirements The ZIP extensio...

php ref variable handling

PHP Variable Handling Functions The PHP variable handling functions are part of the PHP core. No install...

php ref stream

PHP Stream Introduction Streams are the way of generalizing file, network, data compression, and other...

php ref network

PHP Network Introduction The Network functions contains various network function and let you manipulate...

java files create

Create a File To create a file in Java, you can use the createNewFile() method. This method returns...

java exercises

You can test your Java skills with W3Schools' Exercises. Exercises We have gathered a variety of Java...

java enums

Enums An enum is a special "class" that represents a group of constants (unchangeable variab...

java compiler

Java Compiler (Editor) With our online Java compiler, you can edit Java code, and view the result in...

python datetime

Python Dates A date in Python is not a data type of its own, but we can import a module named datetime...

python datatypes

Built-in Data Types In programming, data type is an important concept. Variables can store data of...

python conditions

Python Conditions and If statements Python supports the usual logical conditions from mathematics: ...

python compiler

Python Compiler (Editor) With our online Python compiler, you can edit Python code, and view the result...

python comments

Comments can be used to explain Python code. Comments can be used to make the code more readable. Comme...

python classes

Python Classes/Objects Python is an object oriented programming language. Almost everything in Python...

python casting

Specify a Variable Type There may be times when you want to specify a type on to a variable. This can...

Python default

  Python is a programming language. Python can be used on a server to create web applications....

php comments

Comments in PHP A comment in PHP code is a line that is not executed as a part of the program. Its...

php callback functions

Callback Functions A callback function (often referred to as just "callback") is a function...

php ajax xml

AJAX can be used for interactive communication with an XML file. AJAX XML Example The following example...