Home Java How to create a Minecraft server?

How to create a Minecraft server?


How to create a (private) Minecraft server?


First download the package provided by Minecraft:


Unzip the file and then launch "Start-server.bat"

If you have this error "Java' is not recognized as ..." Open Start-server.bat with notepad Right click: Open with notepad for example. You get this:

@echo off Java -Xms512M -Xmx512M -cp minecraft-server.jar comojanginecraft.server.MinecraftServer pause

Replace Java by the exact path to access a javae Example:

"C:Program Files (x86)Javajre6binjava" -Xms512M -Xmx512M -cp minecraft-server.jar comojanginecraft.server.MinecraftServer pause

Launch Start-server and if you get this message:

>Setting up! >Loading Level


Your server is launched!

A link will be generated in "External_urlt" , share it with your friends.

Note that: If the other users can't connect to your server, you need to:

Enable the TCP and UDP port 25565 for the Minecraft server.

Enable Port forwarding (for port 25565) in your router/modem settings.

Thanks to lol952 for this tip

  • Java


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